Send us a message
Please use the following contact details to get in touch with Iain Long, our Office Manager . Emails sent to this address will be monitored daily and you will be be guaranteed a response in no more than 2 working days. You may wish to express a concern, ask a question or make a suggestion. The address should also be used to arrange an appointment with Mrs Lucas, who is also the SEND Coordinator or a member of staff.
If you require a paper copy of any information contained on this website please contact the school office.
If you have a speech or hearing impairment you can contact us by dialling 018001 and then the school’s number including the area code.
Felton C of E Primary School,
Mouldshaugh Lane, Felton,
Morpeth, Northumberland,
NE65 9PY
Mouldshaugh Lane, Felton,
Morpeth, Northumberland,
NE65 9PY
- 01670 787315