We are very proud of our school uniform. Our badge has the Felton Bridge on it, and the name of the school.
The uniform, which is comfortable, easy to wear and wash, comprises;
purple sweatshirt, cardigan (knitted or sweat), V-neck knitted jumper
white polo shirt or blouse
black and white thin stripe tie (year 5/6) (optional)
black or grey pinafore dress, skirt, culottes, shorts or trousers
a purple or blue gingham summer dress (optional for summer wear)
white/black/grey socks
black/grey/purple tights
comfortable shoes – preferably black
The logoed sweatshirts, cardigans, jumpers and polo shirts may be obtained from Emblematic, along with other items such as book bags, fleece jackets and P.E bags. Click on the link to order. Similar products are available without the logo from many supermarkets and retailers.
EARRINGS: Earrings, if worn in school, should be plain studs and must be able to be removed for sporting activities.
P.E Kit
Our school P.E kit comprises of:
plain black shorts ( optional - black/blue leggings) [PE T-shirts]
red, blue or green T-shirt ( depending upon school team)
plain black jogging bottoms (for colder months)
We prefer children to go barefoot for indoor activities: sandshoes or trainers are essential for outdoor purposes.
A named drawstring bag is ideal for keeping P.E. equipment in and we discourage large sports bags because of limited space in the cloakrooms.
Although your child will have designated P.E days, we encourage P.E kits to be kept in school to allow flexibility.
To avoid misunderstanding, all property, especially clothing, should be clearly marked with the name of your child.