Our Lunches

School meals are cooked and served each day from our own school kitchen. We aim to provide a balanced, healthy and tasty menu that varies over a three week cycle. A copy of the current menu can be found below.

 Under the Universal Free School Meals policy, children from Reception to Year 2 have the option of a free school meal.  For children in Nursery and Keystage 2 (Years 3-6), the cost of  meals is £2.30 a day, payable in advance either weekly or half-termly. Cheques should be made payable to ' Northumberland County Council.'

 We can also offer a healthy packed lunch option prepared by the school as an alternative. Please speak to the school if you are interested in this option.

Parents who are providing their own packed lunches are requested not to include nuts of any kind. Please see the link below for guidance on healthy and tasty packed lunches.